Sunday, September 8, 2024

Welcome Everyone!

 Hey there, and welcome to my weight loss journey. Let me start out by saying I never saw myself doing anything like this. While I enjoy reading others stories of weight loss and the inspirational stuff they post, I never thought I would be able to do something like this. Mainly because I never thought I would ever in my life lose weight.

Honestly, I had given up a long time ago when it came to losing weight. I resided myself to be large, obese, overweight, whatever. The teenage dreams of being thin have long since left me, but here I am writing a weight loss blog. I choose to start this blog because a lot of people on Facebook seem to enjoy my weight loss updates. I figure, why not start a blog for more in-depth looks of what I am dealing with. And if it helps someone along the way, great!

So why call the blog, "Hate Me 300"?

Well, before starting this journey I was over 300 lbs. Something I never in my entire life I thought I would ever be. Never in my darkest thoughts, and I have a lot of them, did I think I would reach 300. Let alone be over that number. 100% honesty, I hated myself. 

Now I have always struggled with my self-image. My self-confidence is non-existent. My self loathing is off the charts, and my daily thoughts are that I look like a cartoon walrus with a huge ass. Those were my common conceptions about myself. When we reached 2024, and I weighed myself for the first time in over a year and saw I was 315 lbs. Those negative thoughts took off! And all hope I had of ever losing anytime of weight left me. I surrendered and my self hate was at an all time high. Hence the name of the blog. It's also a play on Ironman's, "love you 3,000" because, why not.

So what can you expect from this blog?

Well, a little of this. A little of that. My mental take on food, my moods, weight loss updates of course. How I am dealing with the mental aspects of it, and general thoughts that come to mind. That will all be here. If you want to see/read all that please join the blog and stay up to date. If not I will be posting links to my post on Facebook.

I look forward to sharing all this with you guys, and I hope someone, somewhere finds some inspiration out of this.

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